is Qi?
It is
very difficult to translate the word "Qi". Many different translations
have been proposed, none of them approximates the essence of Qi very well.
It has been translated as "energy", "vital force", "matter",
"ether", "matter-energy", "vital force", "life
force", "vital power", and "moving power", etc.
The reason it is so difficult to translate the word "Qi" correctly,
lays precisely in its fluid nature whereby Qi can assume different manifestations
and be different things in different situations. The word "Qi"
denotes both the essential substances of the human body, which maintains
its vital activities, and the functional activities of the internal organs
and tissues.
What is
Blood in Chinese Medicine has a more meaning than in Western Medicine.
In Chinese Medicine, Blood is not only a red liquid circulating in the
vessels, but also a vital nutrient substance in the body. Blood circulates
throughout the body to nourish and moisten the various tissues and organs
of the body. Blood is also the material foundation for mental activities.
The concept
of "internal organs"
Ancient Chinese people had very different ways to understand our internal
organs. There are five Yin organs, which are heart, lung, spleen, liver,
and kidney. There are six Yang organs, which are stomach, gallbladder,
small intestine, large intestine, bladder and Sanjiao (triple burner).
They understood these organs from different ways. For example, Kidney
has the function of governing growth, reproduction and development; Spleen
controls blood in blood vessels. Traditional Chinese Medicine does diagnosis
based on such knowledge.